ICE Help - ICEHelp.chm (6 megabytes)

Download the latest version of the ICE Help file. ICEHelp.chm

Some Microsoft updates will 'block' this file from working.

Opening the help file will show an error message about not finding the content.

To unblock :-

  1. Open a file explorer and locate the help file.
  2. Right click it and select properties from the drop-down menu.
  3. At the bottom of the properties window there may be a button marled Unblock.
  4. Click it.
  5. No visible Unblock button means that the help file has been unblocked.

It should now work.


ICE Help Demo Program (12 megabytes)

If you do not feel confident in changing the ICEHelp.chm file there is a demonstration program the will display the help file.

This is a zip file that may be downloaded and extracted. The files extracted contain a setup program that will install the demo program.

The demonstration program requires (and will install, if not present) .NET framework 3.5. This comes as standard with Vista.